Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days of One Wild and Precious Life

A new adventure for me, this 31 days of writing.  Honestly, a huge challenge to myself to really start writing again, however that comes out, after this last post-brain injury decade when I have been so afraid to write.  And the topic, it was a God moment last week when I saw a shirt with the quote on it.  It so woke me up, that I cannot stop thinking about it even now...." what will you do with your one wild and precious life?"

for me wild is not worrying about the fashion rules; it is dressing in what is comfortable and the colorful way that I usually love to see, because this unlocks how I live the rest of my day..free of what I think you must want from me, free to be who I actually am!...wild is letting joy in when we are wildly poor.  It is living out what matters most to me whether our house goes into foreclosure or we go bankrupt or the government shuts down.  Wild takes me to the homeless with joy and gratitude to serve the Christ in each of them.  wild picks the flowers that are growing ad doesn't worry about what I didn't get done in this year's garden.  wild walks, even dances in the rain, has big boots, probably thrifted, knits colorful wool hats for children who need to stay warm, gives them to orphans in Siberia and homeless in the windy city.  wild sews her crazy best, but doesn't worry over being enough!

Precious...precious knows that God made me and treasures me.  percious knows that this is NOT affected by my abilities and inadequacies.  Precious knows the touch of the big feathery wing of my angel sent to hold me.  Precious sees those around me...their eyes..their love and their pain and reaches out to both...it lets in the everlasting lovingkindness (hesed) of God that will not let me go
and heart deep knows that it does. not. matter. to. God whether we are "successful, productive powerhouses"  God just treasures each child and sees who even I am and loves me.  Just that.

Once upon a time I had great joy while living in poverty, no posessions to tie me down.  Just a VW Bug and a suitcase or two...life was sitting and talking with "the least of these" , the God-followers, God-questioners, the chased, the givers, the sanctuaried...all loved by One God...all speaking love and cherished.  

 I am by the GRACE of God, taking that back!

One life...this is my one chance this side of eternity to choose...choose the clothes and attitude I put on each morning, to scream "STOP" to the accuser voice that tries to convince me that I am too small to matter to God, and to smile with love on this and every child of God....to choose to believe, each day, I am/you are child of wonder, child of God, given this gift of preciousness, set free to love, to dance, to create, to forgive, to cry and have joy.  to share that.

Your One Wild & Precious Life

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